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Anne defends her thesis

An-Ting Jhuang has successfully defended her thesis entitled “Spatial signal detection using continuous  shrinkage priors”, congrats! After a well-deserved vacation, she will begin a position...

Maggie Johnson wins the IMA poster competition

Post-doc Maggie Johnson has won the best poster award at the IMA workshop on Forecasting from Complexity held at the University of Minnesota.  Maggie presented...

Indranil wins ENVR Student Paper Award

Indranil_Sahoo has won the 2018 ASA-ENVR Student Paper Competition. Indranil’s paper entitled “A Test for Isotropy on a Sphere using Spherical Harmonic Functions” proposes a...

Alex Larsen’s work featured on Science Daily

NC State statistics graduate student Alexandra Larsen’s paper on the effects of wildfire smoke on ambient air pollution has been featured by Science Daily!

Discussion paper in JRSS

The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society has selected the paper “Optimal treatment allocations in space and time for online control of an emerging infectious...