By bjreichZhou Lan wins second place in the 2017 ASA Statistical Significance Poster Contest! Zhou’s poster entitled “Spatial Wishart Process and Its Application on Diffusion Tensor... |NC State
By bjreichNeal Grantham earns his PhD! Neal Grantham defended his thesis “Statistical Methods for High-Dimensional, Spatially-Distributed Microbiome Data from Next-Generation Sequencing.” His thesis work was supervised... |NC State
By bjreichSusheela Singh has won the 2017 ASA Statistical Significance Poster Contest! Susheela’s poster entitled “Agents of Change: a Spatial Multivariate Bayesian Test to Identify Factors... |NC State
By bjreichJennifer Wei earns her PhD! Jennifer Wei defended her thesis “Bayesian variable selection using continuous shrinkage priors for nonparametric models and non-Gaussian data”. Her thesis... |NC State
By bjreichApplication of New Statistical Method Shows Promise in Mitigating Climate Change Effects on Critical Pine Plantations in Southern US. On Earth Day, 2017, the dissertation...